• Morin Sushi


Plateau Nigiri Saumon
  • Nigiri Saumon x10
10 pièces
16,80 €
Plateau Nigiri Saumon
Plateau Nigiri Saumon Mix
  • Nigiri Saumon x6
  • Nigiri Saumon Cheese Ciboulette x2
  • Nigiri Saumon Tataki x2
10 pièces
17,80 €
Plateau Nigiri Saumon Mix
Plateau KIDDO
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • Spring Saumon Avocat x6
12 pièces
10,50 €
Plateau KIDDO
Plateau YANKEE
  • California Thon Cuit Avocat x6
  • California Ebi Tempura Avocat x6
  • Crispy Poulet Fromage x6
  • Salade de Chou x1
18 pièces
18,50 €
Plateau YANKEE
Plateau YAKUZA
  • Nigiri Saumon x2
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • Maki Saumon x6
  • Maki Thon x6
  • Salade de Chou x1
20 pièces
19,00 €
Plateau YAKUZA
Plateau HAKKEN
  • Nigiri Saumon x2
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • California Thon Cuit Concombre x6
  • Maki Thon x6
  • Spring Crevette Concombre Menthe x6
  • Salade de Chou x1
26 pièces
25,00 €
Plateau HAKKEN
Plateau SAKURA
  • Sakura x8
  • Nigiri Saumon x4
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • Sāmon Roll Cheese x6
  • Spring Saumon Avocat x6
  • Maki Saumon x6
  • Sashimi Saumon x5
  • Salade de Chou x2
41 pièces
47,00 €
Plateau SAKURA
Plateaux 4 RONINS
  • Maki Thon Cuit x6
  • Maki Saumon x6
  • Maki Thon x6
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • California Thon Cuit Avocat x6
  • California Thon concombre x6
  • Spring Crevette Avocat x6
  • Spring Veggie x6
  • Spring Thon concombre x6
  • Salade de chou x4
54 pièces
55,00 €
Plateaux 4 RONINS
Plateaux TOKYO
  • Nigiri Saumon x2
  • Nigiri Thon x2
  • Nigiri Crevette x2
  • California Saumon Avocat x6
  • California Saumon Concombre x6
  • Maki Saumon x6
  • Maki Thon x6
  • Spring Saumon Concombre x6
  • Salade de Chou x2
36 pièces
39,00 €
Plateaux TOKYO
Plateaux PONYO
  • Tiger x8
  • Salmon Roll Cheese x6
  • Maki Thon
  • Maki Avocat x6
  • California Ebi Tempura Avocat x6
  • California Veggie x6
  • Crispy Poulet Cheese x6
  • Crispy Thon Cuit Avocat x6
  • Spring Crevette Concombre x6
  • Tobiko Saumon Avocat x6
  • Nigiri Saumon x4
  • Nigiri Thon x2
  • Nigiri Crevette x2
  • Salade de Chou x4
70 pièces
81,00 €
Plateaux PONYO


Entouré de graine de sésame
Saumon Avocat
6,00 €
Saumon Avocat
Saumon Avocat Cheese
6,20 €
Saumon Avocat Cheese
Saumon Concombre Coriandre
5,80 €
Saumon Concombre Coriandre
Saumon Cheese
5,80 €
Saumon Cheese
Thon Avocat
6,50 €
Thon Avocat
Thon Concombre Coriandre
6,50 €
Thon Concombre Coriandre
Thon Cuit Avocat
6,30 €
Thon Cuit Avocat
Thon Cuit Concombre Coriandre
6,30 €
Thon Cuit Concombre Coriandre
Crevette marinée Concombre Menthe
6,10 €
Crevette marinée Concombre Menthe
Crevette Avocat Epicé
6,10 €
Crevette Avocat Epicé
Ebi Tempura Avocat
6,70 €
Ebi Tempura Avocat
Ebi Tempura Cheese
6,60 €
Ebi Tempura Cheese
Poulet Pané Avocat
6,10 €
Poulet Pané Avocat
Avocat Cheese
5,20 €
Avocat Cheese
Avocat Concombre Carotte
4,90 €
Avocat Concombre Carotte


Entouré d'une galette de riz et laitue
Saumon Cheese
5,90 €
Saumon Cheese
Saumon Concombre
5,90 €
Saumon Concombre
Saumon Avocat
6,10 €
Saumon Avocat
Thon Concombre
6,50 €
Thon Concombre
Thon Avocat
6,50 €
Thon Avocat
Thon Cuit Avocat
6,50 €
Thon Cuit Avocat
Thon Cuit Concombre
6,50 €
Thon Cuit Concombre
Crevette marinée Avocat
6,20 €
Crevette marinée Avocat
Crevette Concombre
6,40 €
Crevette Concombre
Crevette Avocat
6,50 €
Crevette Avocat
Avocat Concombre Carotte
5,20 €
Avocat Concombre Carotte
Avocat Cheese
5,20 €
Avocat Cheese
Concombre Cheese
5,20 €
Concombre Cheese
Poulet Cheese
6,20 €
Poulet Cheese
Poulet Avocat
6,40 €
Poulet Avocat
Ebi Tempura Cheese
6,50 €
Ebi Tempura Cheese
Ebi Tempura Avocat
6,70 €
Ebi Tempura Avocat


Entouré d'une feuille de nori
Saumon (avec ou sans ciboulette)
4,90 €
Saumon (avec ou sans ciboulette)
Saumon Avocat
5,10 €
Saumon Avocat
Saumon Cheese
5,10 €
Saumon Cheese
Thon (avec ou sans ciboulette)
5,10 €
Thon (avec ou sans ciboulette)
Thon Cuit Mayonnaise
5,10 €
Thon Cuit Mayonnaise
Crevette Marinée (avec ou sans épice)
4,30 €
Crevette Marinée (avec ou sans épice)
Crevette avocat
4,90 €
Crevette avocat
4,10 €
Avocat Cheese
4,30 €
Avocat Cheese
3,90 €
Concombre Cheese
4,10 €
Concombre Cheese
4,00 €


Entouré d’oignon frit
Saumon Avocat
6,30 €
Saumon Avocat
Saumon Avocat Cheese
6,60 €
Saumon Avocat Cheese
Saumon Cheese
6,10 €
Saumon Cheese
Thon Cuit Avocat
6,60 €
Thon Cuit Avocat
Crevette Avocat
6,50 €
Crevette Avocat
Crevette Cheese Coriandre
6,40 €
Crevette Cheese Coriandre
Ebi Tempura Cheese
6,80 €
Ebi Tempura Cheese
Ebi Tempura Avocat
6,90 €
Ebi Tempura Avocat
Poulet Panée Avocat
6,30 €
Poulet Panée Avocat
Poulet Pané Cheese
6,20 €
Poulet Pané Cheese


Création Originale
Chizu Chicken
Poulet Frit, Avocat, Cheddar, Oignon Frit, Sauce Tonkatsu
8,50 €
Chizu Chicken
Crevette Panée, Avocat on Top, Concombre, Tobiko, Ciboulette, Sauce Mayonnaise Épicée
1 050,00 €
Niku Beef
Bœuf Tataki, Asperge, Carotte, Coriandre, Épice Japonaise, Sauce Teriyaki
10,50 €
Niku Beef
Crevette, Saumon on Top, Avocat, Concombre, Sauce Unagi
10,30 €
Crevette Panée, Avocat & Saumon Tataki on Top, Ciboulette, Épice Japonaise, Sauce Teriyaki
10,50 €
Wasabi Tuna
Crevette Panée, Thon on Top, Concombre, Tobiko, Sauce Mayonnaise Wasabi
11,50 €
Wasabi Tuna


Entouré d'une feuille de saumon
6,70 €
Avocat Cheese
6,90 €
Avocat Cheese
Concombre Cheese
6,90 €
Concombre Cheese
Crevette Cheese
7,30 €
Crevette Cheese
Ebi Tempura Cheese
8,30 €
Ebi Tempura Cheese


Entouré de chapelure japonaise & frit avec mayonnaise epicée
Saumon, Avocat, Cheese, Ciboulette
9,50 €
Poulet, Avocat, Cheddar, Oignon Frit, Ciboulette
9,80 €
Ebi Tempura
Crevette Panée, Avocat, Cheese, Ciboulette
9,90 €
Ebi Tempura


Entouré d'œuf de poisson volant
Saumon Avocat
6,60 €
Saumon Avocat
Crevette Avocat
6,80 €
Crevette Avocat
Thon Avocat
6,90 €
Thon Avocat


Seulement avec du riz vinaigré
Saumon Avocat
6,00 €
Saumon Avocat
Saumon Cheese
5,90 €
Saumon Cheese
Thon Avocat
6,50 €
Thon Avocat
Thon Cuit Avocat
6,30 €
Thon Cuit Avocat
Poulet Cheese
5,90 €
Poulet Cheese
Poulet Avocat
6,10 €
Poulet Avocat
Avocat Cheese
5,20 €
Avocat Cheese


Tranche de poisson sur une boule de riz
3,90 €
Saumon Cheese Ciboulette
4,30 €
Saumon Cheese Ciboulette
Saumon Tataki Teriyaki
4,20 €
Saumon Tataki Teriyaki
Saumon Avocat Sésame
4,30 €
Saumon Avocat Sésame
Saumon Cheese Avocat
4,60 €
Saumon Cheese Avocat
4,80 €
4,70 €
Thon Tataki
5,00 €
Thon Tataki
Bœuf Tataki Teriyaki
4,90 €
Bœuf Tataki Teriyaki
Saint-Jacques Ciboulette
5,10 €
Saint-Jacques Ciboulette


Boule de riz entouré d'une feuille de nori et recouvert de tartare
4,90 €
Saumon Tobiko
Œuf de Poisson Volant
5,20 €
Saumon Tobiko
5,50 €
Saumon Ikura
Œuf de Saumon
6,50 €
Saumon Ikura


Avocado On Top
Saumon Cheese
7,20 €
Saumon Cheese
Thon Cheese
7,60 €
Thon Cheese


Tranches de poisson sur un bol de riz vinaigré
14,50 €
15,80 €
15,50 €
1,80 €
Saumon Cheese Tataki
Saumon Tataki, Cheese, Épice Japonaise
16,00 €
Saumon Cheese Tataki
1,20 €
2,00 €


Maki sous forme de cône
Saumon, Avocat, Concombre, Sésame, Ciboulette
Thon, Avocat, Concombre, Sésame
5,60 €
Thon Cuit
Thon Cuit, Mayonnaise, Avocat, Concombre, Sésame
5,60 €
Thon Cuit
Avocat, Concombre, Carotte, Cheese
4,90 €


Tranche de poisson
Saumon x5
5,80 €
Saumon x5
Saumon x10
10,80 €
Saumon x10
Saumon x15
14,80 €
Saumon x15
Thon x5
6,30 €
Thon x5
Thon x10
12,10 €
Thon x10
Thon x15
16,60 €
Thon x15
Saint-Jacques x5
7,00 €
Saint-Jacques x5
Saint-Jacques x10
12,80 €
Saint-Jacques x10
Saint-Jacques x15
17,80 €
Saint-Jacques x15
Duo x15
Saumon x8 / Thon x7
15,80 €
Duo x15
Trio x15
Saumon x5 / Thon x5 / Saint-Jacques x5
16,80 €
Trio x15
0,30 €


Bol de Riz Vinaigré, Avocat, Carotte, Concombre, Edamame, Salade de Choux, Radis Jaune, Coriandre, Ciboulette, Sésame & Sauce Ponzu
Poke Veggie (Gyoza x3)
14,50 €
Poke Veggie (Gyoza x3)
Poke Saumon
15,00 €
Poke Saumon
Poke Crevette
15,50 €
Poke Crevette
Poke Thon
16,00 €
Poke Thon
Poke Mix
16,00 €
Poke Mix
Poke Tempura (x3)
15,90 €
Poke Tempura (x3)
Poke Poulet
15,50 €
Poke Poulet
Poke Thon Cuit
16,00 €
Poke Thon Cuit


Bol de riz vinaigré avec du poisson mariné & de l'avocat
14,90 €
15,80 €
15,30 €


Vermicelle de Riz
Bò Bún
Bœuf mariné, Nem au Poulet, Vermicelle de riz, Gingembre, Carotte, Concombre, Pousse de Soja, Coriandre, Menthe, Laitue, Cacahuète, Sauce Nuoc Mam
11,80 €
Bò Bún
Bún Tôm
Crevette mariné, Nem au Poulet, Vermicelle de riz, Gingembre, Carotte, Concombre, Pousse de Soja, Coriandre, Menthe, Laitue, Cacahuète, Sauce Nuoc Mam
13,50 €
Bún Tôm
Rouleau de Printemps Boeuf
Vermicelle de riz, Bœuf mariné, Carotte, Concombre, Pousse de Soja, Coriandre, Menthe, Laitue, Sauce Chili
6,10 €
Rouleau de Printemps Boeuf
Rouleau de Printemps Crevette
Vermicelle de riz, Crevette, Carotte, Concombre, Pousse de Soja, Coriandre, Menthe, Laitue, Sauce Chili
6,10 €
Rouleau de Printemps Crevette


Shoyu Ramen au poulet
Nouille de blé, tare soja, poulet frit, pousse de soja, naruto, boulette de champignon, chou chinois, maïs, œuf ajitsuke, pousse de bambou, poireau
13,80 €
Shoyu Ramen au poulet
Shoyu Ramen au porc
Nouille de blé, tare soja, chashu, pousse de soja, naruto, boulette de champignon, chou chinois, maïs, œuf ajitsuke, pousse de bambou, poireau
14,80 €
Shoyu Ramen au porc
Tonkotsu Ramen au poulet
Nouille de blé, bouillon Tonkotsu (à base de porc), châshû, pousse de soja, naruto, boulette de champignon, chou chinois, maïs, œuf ajitsuke, pousse de bambou, poireau
14,80 €
Tonkotsu Ramen au poulet
Tonkotsu Ramen au porc
Nouille de blé, bouillon Tonkotsu (à base de porc), châshû, pousse de soja, naruto, boulette de champignon, chou chinois, maïs, œuf ajitsuke, pousse de bambou, poireau
15,80 €
Tonkotsu Ramen au porc


Nouilles de blé sautées aux légumes
Yakisoba Boeuf
13,50 €
Yakisoba Boeuf
Yakisoba Crevette
13,50 €
Yakisoba Crevette
Yakisoba Saumon
14,80 €
Yakisoba Saumon
Yakisoba Gyoza
(x2 au choix : Poulet, Crevette ou Légume) 
10,80 €
Yakisoba Gyoza


Gyoza Poulet x3
3,80 €
Gyoza Poulet x3
Gyoza Poulet x6
6,20 €
Gyoza Poulet x6
Gyoza Veggie x3
3,80 €
Gyoza Veggie x3
Gyoza Veggie x6
6,20 €
Gyoza Veggie x6
Gyoza Crevette x3
4,50 €
Gyoza Crevette x3
Gyoza Crevette x6
7,90 €
Gyoza Crevette x6
Gyoza Bœuf x3
4,50 €
Gyoza Bœuf x3
Gyoza Bœuf x6
4,50 €
Gyoza Bœuf x6
Gyoza Mix x6
Poulet (x2) / Crevette (x2) / Veggie (x2)
6,50 €
Gyoza Mix x6
Ebi Tempura x4
6,50 €
Ebi Tempura x4
Poulet Karaage x4
6,50 €
Poulet Karaage x4
Aiguilette de Poulet x6
5,90 €
Aiguilette de Poulet x6
Nem Poulet Fait Maison x1 (Salade + Menthe)
1,50 €
Nem Poulet Fait Maison x1 (Salade + Menthe)
Nem Crevette Fait Maison x1 (Salade + Menthe)
1,80 €
Nem Crevette Fait Maison x1 (Salade + Menthe)


Boeuf fromage
5,80 €
Boeuf fromage
Boulette de Poulet
5,80 €
Boulette de Poulet
5,80 €
6,20 €
6,90 €
Plateaux Yakitori
Boeuf fromage x2 / Yakitori poulet x2 / Boulette de poulet x2 / Riz vinaigré x1
16,80 €
Plateaux Yakitori


Riz vinaigré
2,50 €
Riz vinaigré
Salade de chou
2,90 €
Salade de chou
Salade de concombre sésame coriandre
2,90 €
Salade de concombre sésame coriandre
Carotte râpée
2,90 €
Carotte râpée
Soupe Miso (nature ou épicée)
3,10 €
Soupe Miso (nature ou épicée)
Edamame (nature ou épicée)
3,90 €
Edamame (nature ou épicée)
Salade d’algue Wakamé
4,20 €
Salade d’algue Wakamé
Salade de calamar
5,00 €
Salade de calamar
Cacahuète Wasabi
4,50 €
Cacahuète Wasabi


Dorayaki au haricot rouge
3,80 €
Dorayaki au haricot rouge
Mochi (x2)
Thé Vert / Mangue / Chocolat / Vanille / Yuzu
4,50 €
Mochi (x2)
Cheesecake Thé Vert
3,90 €
Cheesecake Thé Vert
Moelleux Chocolat
4,80 €
Moelleux Chocolat
Gyoza Pomme Cannelle (x4)
4,20 €
Gyoza Pomme Cannelle (x4)
Salade de Fruits
4,50 €
Salade de Fruits
Maki Kinder Noisette (x6)
5,50 €
Maki Kinder Noisette (x6)


Canette 33cl
Coca / Coca Zéro / Lipton Ice Tea / Oasis / Orangina
2,50 €
Canette 33cl
Evian / San Pellegrino 50cl
3,90 €
Evian / San Pellegrino 50cl
Eau de coco 33cl
3,90 €
Eau de coco 33cl
Mangajo Thé Vert 25cl
Açaï / Grenade / Goji / Yuzu Citron
3,90 €
Mangajo Thé Vert 25cl
Ramune 33cl
Classique / Fraise / Litchi / Ananas / Orange / Melon
3,90 €
Ramune 33cl
Espresso / Allongé
1,30 €
Café Noisette
1,50 €
Café Noisette


Asahi / Kirin Ichiban
Bière Blonde Japonaise 33cl
3,90 €
Asahi / Kirin Ichiban
Iki Thé Vert & Gingembre
Bière blonde japonaise 33cl
4,90 €
Iki Thé Vert & Gingembre
Saké fruité japonais 30cl
12,80 €
Domaine de la Roque Bio
Vin Blanc Bio 75cl
15,80 €
Domaine de la Roque Bio
Chardonnay Domaine de la Roque Bio
Vin Rouge Bio 75cl
15,80 €
Chardonnay Domaine de la Roque Bio


Sauce Soja Sucrée / Soja Salée (15ml)
0,30 €
Sauce Soja Sucrée / Soja Salée  (15ml)
Wasabi / Gingembre
0,30 €
Wasabi / Gingembre
Mayonnaise Épicée (30ml)
0,50 €
Mayonnaise Épicée (30ml)
Oignon Frit
0,50 €
Oignon Frit
Cream Cheese
0,50 €
Cream Cheese
Demi avocat
1,80 €
Demi avocat
Tataki à la sauce Teriyaki
0,30 €
Tataki à la sauce Teriyaki
  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 5,97 Mo
  • Pic mémoire allouée par PHP : 5,97 Mo
  • Temps d'execution du script : 1.802 s
  • Lang :
  • Path : restaurant
  • Route : restaurantPage
  • $okt->page->module : restaurant
  • $okt->page->action : restaurant
  • Title tag : Restaurant - Morin Sushi
  • Title: Restaurant
  • H1:
  • Meta description:
  • Meta keyword: restaurant, restaurant sushi, sushi à emporter, livraison sushi, livraison poke bowl, livraison sashimi, traiteur sushi, livraison de sushi poke-bowl & sashimi, restaurant de sushi poke-bowl & sashimi, restaurant à emporter de sushi poke-bowl & sashimi, traiteur de sushi pour entreprise, maki, tartare de poissons, sashi
ID Query Time
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cl.card_id=c.id WHERE 1  AND c.visibility=1  AND
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c.ord, ic.position
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modules_mod_restaurant_items_cards AS ic ON ic.category_id =
c.id WHERE ic.card_id=3 GROUP BY 1 
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.defaultPrice, i.images,
il.title, il.description, ic.id, ic.item_id, ic.card_id,
ic.category_id, ic.position, cl.name AS category_name, cp.id
AS category_parent_id, cpl.name AS category_parent_name FROM
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il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_cards
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c.id=ic.category_id LEFT JOIN
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ON cpl.category_id=cp.id WHERE ic.card_id=2 AND (il.language
= 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type = 2)) AND
cl.language = 'fr' AND i.visibility = 1 ORDER BY cp.ord,
c.ord, ic.position
SELECT c.id, COUNT(ic.id) AS num_items FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_categories c  LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_cards AS ic ON ic.category_id =
c.id WHERE ic.card_id=2 GROUP BY 1 
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modules_mod_restaurant_declinations_locales AS dl ON
dl.declination_id=d.id WHERE 1 AND dl.language='fr' 
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m.enable_cat, ml.language, ml.slug, ml.title,
ml.description, ml.supplement FROM
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ml.menu_id=m.id WHERE 1 AND m.visibility=1 AND
ml.language='fr'  GROUP BY m.id ORDER BY m.ordre
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.images, il.title,
il.description, im.id, im.item_id, im.menu_id,
im.category_id, im.position, cl.name AS category_name FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_items AS i LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_locales AS il ON
il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_menus
AS im ON i.id=im.item_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories AS c ON
c.id=im.category_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories_locales AS cl ON
cl.category_id=im.category_id WHERE im.menu_id=1 AND
(il.language = 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type =
2)) AND cl.language = 'fr' ORDER BY c.ord, im.position
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.images, il.title,
il.description, im.id, im.item_id, im.menu_id,
im.category_id, im.position, cl.name AS category_name FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_items AS i LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_locales AS il ON
il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_menus
AS im ON i.id=im.item_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories AS c ON
c.id=im.category_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories_locales AS cl ON
cl.category_id=im.category_id WHERE im.menu_id=7 AND
(il.language = 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type =
2)) AND cl.language = 'fr' ORDER BY c.ord, im.position
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.images, il.title,
il.description, im.id, im.item_id, im.menu_id,
im.category_id, im.position, cl.name AS category_name FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_items AS i LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_locales AS il ON
il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_menus
AS im ON i.id=im.item_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories AS c ON
c.id=im.category_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories_locales AS cl ON
cl.category_id=im.category_id WHERE im.menu_id=8 AND
(il.language = 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type =
2)) AND cl.language = 'fr' ORDER BY c.ord, im.position
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.images, il.title,
il.description, im.id, im.item_id, im.menu_id,
im.category_id, im.position, cl.name AS category_name FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_items AS i LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_locales AS il ON
il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_menus
AS im ON i.id=im.item_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories AS c ON
c.id=im.category_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories_locales AS cl ON
cl.category_id=im.category_id WHERE im.menu_id=9 AND
(il.language = 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type =
2)) AND cl.language = 'fr' ORDER BY c.ord, im.position
SELECT i.visibility, i.type, i.images, il.title,
il.description, im.id, im.item_id, im.menu_id,
im.category_id, im.position, cl.name AS category_name FROM
modules_mod_restaurant_items AS i LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_items_locales AS il ON
il.item_id=i.id LEFT JOIN modules_mod_restaurant_items_menus
AS im ON i.id=im.item_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories AS c ON
c.id=im.category_id LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_restaurant_categories_locales AS cl ON
cl.category_id=im.category_id WHERE im.menu_id=10 AND
(il.language = 'fr' OR (i.images IS NOT NULL AND i.type =
2)) AND cl.language = 'fr' ORDER BY c.ord, im.position
                      FROM modules_mod_social_network sn
modules_mod_social_network_locales snl ON
snl.id_social_network = sn.id_social_network AND
snl.language = 'fr' WHERE 1  AND sn.url != '' AND sn.type !=
''  AND type LIKE '%F%' ORDER BY sn.position
                      FROM modules_mod_social_network sn
modules_mod_social_network_locales snl ON
snl.id_social_network = sn.id_social_network AND
snl.language = 'fr' WHERE 1  AND sn.url != '' AND sn.type !=
''  AND type LIKE '%F%' ORDER BY sn.position
 SELECT t.*,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
                       FROM modules_mod_slideshow_type t
                       WHERE 1 AND CASE 
                                       WHEN t.choix_rubrique
= 1 THEN
                                           t.rubrique LIKE
                                       WHEN t.choix_rubrique
= 2 THEN
                   (  SELECT COUNT(t.id_type) FROM
modules_mod_slideshow_type t
                      WHERE t.choix_rubrique = 1 AND
t.rubrique LIKE '%\'/restaurant\'%' AND t.actif = 1
                   ) = 0
                                           t.rubrique NOT
LIKE '%\'/restaurant\'%'
                   (  SELECT COUNT(t.id_type) FROM
modules_mod_slideshow_type t
                      WHERE t.choix_rubrique = 1 AND
t.rubrique LIKE '%\'/restaurant\'%' AND t.actif = 1
                   ) = 0
                                   END AND actif = '1' ORDER
BY nom 
SELECT t.*, 
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr 
                     FROM modules_mod_slideshow_type t
                     WHERE t.id_type = '3'
 SELECT p.*, pl.valeur AS legende, pl.lien,
pl.contenu_titre,  pl.contenu_ss_titre,
pl.contenu_description, pl.primaire_texte,
pl.primaire_texte_mobile, pl.secondaire_texte,
pl.secondaire_texte_mobile, pl.primaire_slug,
pl.secondaire_slug, pl.lien2,  
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
                       FROM modules_mod_slideshow p
                       LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_slideshow_locales pl ON pl.id_slideshow =
p.id_slideshow AND pl.language = 'fr'
                       WHERE 1 AND p.actif = '1' AND id_type
= '3' ORDER BY position
                      FROM modules_mod_social_network sn
modules_mod_social_network_locales snl ON
snl.id_social_network = sn.id_social_network AND
snl.language = 'fr' WHERE 1  AND sn.url != '' AND sn.type !=
''  AND type LIKE '%F%' ORDER BY sn.position
SELECT p.*, pl.*,
                         DATE_FORMAT(p.debut, '%d/%m/%Y') as
                         DATE_FORMAT(p.fin, '%d/%m/%Y') as
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
                      FROM modules_mod_home_popup p
                      LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_home_popup_locales pl ON pl.id_popup =
p.id_popup AND pl.language = 'fr'
                      WHERE 1 AND (
                                        CURDATE() BETWEEN
p.debut AND p.fin
                                        OR (p.debut =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND p.fin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
                                    )AND pl.content <> ''
AND (p.rubrique = '' OR p.rubrique LIKE '%\'/restaurant\'%')
ORDER BY p.rubrique DESC
SELECT p.*, pl.*,
                         DATE_FORMAT(p.debut, '%d/%m/%Y') as
                         DATE_FORMAT(p.fin, '%d/%m/%Y') as
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_creation_fr,
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') as date_modification_fr
                      FROM modules_mod_home_popup p
                      LEFT JOIN
modules_mod_home_popup_locales pl ON pl.id_popup =
p.id_popup AND pl.language = 'fr'
                      WHERE 1 AND (
                                        CURDATE() BETWEEN
p.debut AND p.fin
                                        OR (p.debut =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND p.fin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
                                    )AND pl.content <> ''
AND (p.rubrique = '' OR p.rubrique LIKE '%\'/restaurant\'%')
ORDER BY p.rubrique DESC
# type fichier ligne classe fonction message
# 1  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 2  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 3  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 4  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 5  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 6  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 7  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 8  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 9  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 10  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 11  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 12  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 13  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 14  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 15  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 16  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 17  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 18  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 19  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 20  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 21  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 22  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 23  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 24  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 25  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 26  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 27  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 28  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 29  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 30  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 31  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 32  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 33  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 34  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 35  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 36  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 37  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 38  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 39  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 40  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 41  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 42  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 43  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 44  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 45  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 46  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 47  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 48  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 49  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 50  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 51  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 52  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 53  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 54  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 55  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 56  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 57  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 58  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 59  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 60  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 61  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 62  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 63  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 64  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 65  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 66  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 67  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 68  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 69  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 70  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 71  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 72  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 73  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 74  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 75  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 76  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 77  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 78  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 79  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 80  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 81  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 82  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php 86 oktDebug errorHandler There is no config data for palier key.

#0 trigger_error( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:86]

#1 oktConfig->getData( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktConfig.php:53]

#2 oktConfig->__get( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php:60]

#3 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#4 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#5 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 83  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 61 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]

# 84  Warning /www/ya19184/www/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.items.recordset.php 62 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 restaurantItemsRecordset->setTextTooLong( called at [/oktModules/restaurant/inc/class.restaurant.controller.php:31]

#1 restaurantController->restaurantPage( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#2 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]